
Top Tips For Mastering Your Glossy Look

Glossy lips are one of this summer’s biggest beauty trends after spending some time as a distant 2000s-era memory.

However, this year’s trend is less about tacky lips and gloopy textures, but instead more about taking an ethereal look and matching it with thick lashes and delicate skin tints to create a full, vivid, shimmering pout.

Here are some top tips for mastering the new glossy lip look this summer.

Stick To A Glossy Balm

In the past, the biggest mistake many people (and manufacturers) made was to use lacquers and liquid lip gloss which tended to take a very long time to dry, were heavy on the lips, and created a rather bold look.

Opting instead for a balm that provides a tint and a glossy look allows for a hydrating, subtle look.

Sketch Your Shape First

An easy trick to flawless gloss application is to take advantage of a lip pencil and sketch in your lip shape. Apply your gloss over the top of this, and then suck on your index finger to get rid of the excess colour and avoid staining your teeth.

Clear Or Colour?

The biggest debate when it comes to lip glosses, now that the texture issue is sorted is about whether to go for a clear, shimmering natural look or add a powerful colour to your palette.

Ultimately, your lips should complement other parts of your body, such as your nails, and your accessories, so it is worth choosing your colour around how well it complements the rest of your outfit.

In the end, like all makeup choices, experimentation is key to finding your perfect look.

For more information on lip enhancement in Bristol, get in touch today.