
Can You Eat Your Way To Healthy Winter Skin?

With the traditional autumnal festivities of Halloween and Bonfire Night behind us, the Christmas lights are being switched on across the country and plans are being made for the festive season.

Since the clocks have also gone back, there is no avoiding the reality that winter is looming fast. Those sunny summer days are far off and the dry, windy days of autumn that will have already taken their toll on your skin are about to give way to something even worse.

Colder temperatures are not the only problem, not least as you will be spending more time indoors over the next few months. Another is a lack of natural sunlight with its Vitamin D and other benefits.

Many people believe the answer lies in eating and drinking the right things, but it is important to know what this can and cannot do.  

There is certainly a lot that your consumption habits can do to affect your skin. Eating vegetables with vitamin C, foods containing antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids – such as found in oily fish – will all help significantly.

By contrast, smoking, alcohol and excessive sugar can all have a negative effect on your complexion.

You can also help yourself by using skin creams containing Vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as taking vitamin supplements.

However, while all this can be very helpful, these food, drink and skin cream applications cannot do the whole job of solving all your skin issues.

If you have thread veins, for instance, having them surgically removed is the only way to deal with them, no matter how many oranges or salmon steaks you have.

Besides all that, your commitment to eating well is bound to be tested a bit when the Christmas food lands on the table.

Thankfully, though, your skin will be able to survive a bit of traditional stodgy pudding.

If you need thread vein removal in Cardiff, contact us today