
What Causes Thread Veins?

Thread veins are one of the most common skin issues that dermatologists have to deal with, yet for many they are a source of deep concern, insecurity and embarrassment.

However, not only is the condition treatable, but it is more common than many appreciate. Indeed, according to the British Vein Institute, it affects around half the population of western countries.

Before opting for treatment to deal with these veins, many will wonder just how they come about in the first place. Is it an inevitable part of ageing? Could it be the sign of an underlying illness? Might it be something that could have been prevented by less exposure to the sun at a younger age, or a different diet?

The first thing to note is that thread veins are usually harmless. They consist of dilated blood vessels that push up to the surface, making them more visible than normal veins. However, it is important for anyone who gets them to see their GP to check they are not varicose veins, while they can occasionally be an indicator of cardiovascular issues.

However, it is important to note there are all sorts of causes, which is why they are so common. They can be hereditary. They can be generated by hormonal surges such as pregnancy. They can arise from an injury, staying in place after bruised muscle tissue around them has healed. They are not, therefore, the result of too much sun exposure or not eating the right diet.

The Varicose vein test is important because anyone who has these will need them removing before the thread veins can be dealt with. This is only medically necessary if they cause complications, such as leg ulcers or swelling, in which case the NHS will treat them. However, they can be very unsightly in themselves.

None of this means you should not get thread veins treated, of course. But it does show they are rarely anything to get too worried about, and because of that getting them removed will be a fairly simple matter without significant complications.

Click here to find out where to get thread vein removal treatment in Bristol